15:35:20 From Athanasios Halkias : I'll be right back, going to grab my class notes 15:58:23 From Kelly Gulliver : what are they "ingredients"? 16:07:44 From Heather Curtis : 615-306-8357 16:13:09 From Athanasios Halkias : Defenses Duress – Well-founded fear of imminent harm from a human being of serious bodily injury or death. Property damage is not enough. Not in the situation of their own volition. Necessity – when threat is from a natural source, imminent injury to person or property, no reasonable alternative other than to commit the crime, defendant did not create the conditions Self Defense – can defend yourself up to and including killing someone else, if you have the fear that the other person is going to commit serious bodily injury or death, threat must be imminent or unlawful, you cannot be in the middle of doing a crime and claim that it is in self-defense. It is assumed that you are acting in self defense if you are in your own home. Castle Doctrine If you are defending your property, force may not be used if there are other lawful methods available. You must warn, if you can without risk to personal property, deadly force is not permitted. Voluntary intoxication is not a defense 16:13:21 From Athanasios Halkias : Involuntary intoxication requires you to have become so intoxicated so as to negate a mens rea element to be equal to insanity. There are 5 defenses the defense has to give pretrial notice Insanity – in TN, you must convince a jury that 1. a person did not know the nature of their conduct, or that they did not know the wrongfulness of their conduct. Entrapment – defendant has to affirmatively prove that: 1. Government conduct induced the crime, 2. Defendant had no prior predisposition to commit the crime, 3. Defendant’s will to obey the law was overcome by persistence, duress or enticement, 4. Crime was actually committed. Claim of right – honest belief that you have a right to the property or service, belief that you can obtain the right, Alibi – “I wasn’t there, I was somewhere else and here is the witness.” If prosecutor can prove the witness was lying, it helps the prosecutor Renunciation – must renounce the crime and stop. 16:13:58 From Kelly Gulliver : That's what I have too, Athanasios. 16:20:05 From Jamie Amos : page 480? 16:20:27 From Kelly Gulliver : Or, not claim the defense of duress 16:34:41 From Jamie Amos : 593 16:35:50 From Kelly Gulliver : I also had that involuntary intox. "so intense that it negates mens rea" 16:36:15 From Kelly Gulliver : equivalent to insanity 16:37:03 From Jamie Amos : page 588 16:38:46 From Jamie Amos : involuntary intoxication defense requires the D to establish the involuntary intoxication caused very severe impairment of his cognitive ability 16:52:28 From Rosemary Haskins : https://drive.google.com/file/d/106wTsToe6pK5ARoAFJyO443P47sWi2f-/view?usp=sharing 16:53:03 From Rosemary Haskins : sam031299@gmail.com 17:01:54 From Kelly Gulliver : Hey guys, sorry I have to go! Thanks for letting me participate!